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Tourism in Bolivia

The population is located at 100km of La Paz city in Nor Yungas, the main access road nowadays is Cotapata - Santa Barbara road.

The Afro Bolivian community of the location have strong cultural roots related to their backgrounds mainly in the way of dressing with their typical costumes and other artistic manifestations like the "Saya Dancing"

However this culture has another way to express themselves , different than other cultures in Bolivia like the "Mauchi " ,the funeral in which people make a combination between prayers and songs like a sharing crying for a beloved sibling. Their language is Spanish with idioms combination.


Brief History.

They flock from Ghana, Angola, Congo and some of them from Sudan at the beginning of the colony these colour men were living in Central America like slaves but many of them reached the Alto Peru (Bolivia) to work at the mining camps, because of the climate they migrate to LosYungas, settling there until now.

One of the main characteristic of this slaves were their loyalty to people that protect them .The anthropologist Freddy Michel says that after colony they adopt the typical customs and language of the region.

They got used to the zone and learned to eat fruits, reach, walusa, sweet banana and yuca, since them they work the land.